Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nom nom nom: not my usual kind of post

Tonight I was craving Cafe Rio, but lacking a car and having a full refrigerator of food that needs to be used by Thursday before I leave for Christmas break, I decided to stay in and try my hand at recipe inventing. Ok, I didn't completely invent it, I borrowed ideas from this blog. I really quite enjoyed it!

The change I made from my normal tacos that surprised me the most, but also was, in my opinion, one of the best additions, was putting brown sugar on the chicken along with the taco seasoning, to give it that sweet, savory flavor.

The rice was also completely different from how I normally make it (rice, water, done.) I added butter, garlic powder, and lemon juice to the water before I cooked it, and then added lemon juice and sugar after it was done. I added too much of the last two ingredients, and it was a bit too sweet, so I added a pinch of taco seasoning to tone it down, and once it was paired with the chicken and lettuce, it was sublime.

The lettuce actually muted the other flavors a bit, so that's a good thing for me to remember for the future. I also added some crumbled up tortilla chips to give it a little crunch

So, basically I'm really proud of myself and plan to add this to my repertoire. Thank you for listening to my bragging.

here are some pictures :)

My lovely creation... I'm not a food photographer. Just a not-humble-enough, very-pleased-with-herself girl.

My apron that my Grandma and I made together this summer. I quite like this as well :)

oh, ps I plan to make these after I study a little bit more. So excited!

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